18 november!

U're 22........ I envy you. May all your dreams come true.......... hey, and do you remember the old days when we used to promised each other to stop buying shoes? Hahaha.... such a ridiculous resolution, the more we try to keep it the more shoes we bought :D So, just a little birthday challenge......... (but not only for the birthday girl), can you tell me how many shoes do you have so far? Okay lets not count sandals........ just shoes :)

hahahahaha, .....and here comes the retarted face......

This entry was posted on Tuesday, November 18, 2008 and is filed under ,,. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.

3 Responses to “18 november!”

18november said...

didi tega banget luuuu!

miss you too dear, thanks for the post.. hiks hiks hiks hiks

ps : eits jangan salah sepatu2 gw sudah menemukan rumah2 baru.. huhuy (nebeng garage sale temen gw), so there's plenty of room for new ones, huahahahaha

Di said...

hhhmmm yaaaa.... paling sepatu lu udah out 3...trus beli 6 sepatu baru, tetep aja Sup hahaha....

Unknown said...

hahaha...jadi inget gw ama jengki berkreasi topeng aneh itu..hahahha

miss u all!